About Max Gold Wills & Trusts

Our Story

Max Gold Wills & Trusts was founded following the untimely death of Hull solicitor Maxwell Julian Gold, of The Max Gold Partnership LLP. Max Gold spent many years dealing with probate issues and financial affairs on behalf of his clients, and saw many probate cases virtually destroy the value of their estates, an outcome which could have been avoided with appropriate planning.

Due to these issues, Max had been dedicated to setting up a specialist company to deal with Wills, Trusts, Lasting Powers of Attorney, and Estate & Tax Planning. It had always been his determination to ensure that a group of dedicated professionals be available to help families to better prepare to prevent the eradication of their wealth, and keep the family in control when it comes to the welfare of loved ones. While he could not realise this wish during his lifetime, Max Gold Wills & Trusts exists in his name and honour.

As we believe that everybody has the right to ensure their family's welfare and finances are protected in the future, our services are affordable and certainly not reserved for the wealthy.

Our Services

We specialise in the writing of Wills, Trusts, and Powers of Attorney, which we are happy to produce either individually or together as part of our Estate Planning services.

We are based in Lincolnshire, but our team of consultants work in a wide area. As many of our clients find it difficult or inconvenient to travel, we typically work on a home-call basis, coming to you at a date and time that is most convenient.

Since many people are unsure of what exactly our services entail, and which would best suit their wishes, our first meeting with you is always free of charge and provided on a no obligation basis.